Mensa Procedures

Oregon Mensa Procedures Explained (11/5/21)

How to: Procedure for getting this done: Who is responsible:

NEWSLETTER (OMEN) Receive the OMEN electronically A link will automatically be mailed to your inbox every monthly Omen Editor
  Receive the printed OMEN for stop receiving printed OMEN Go to, to My Account and to your Profile. Click on Communication Preferences under Links to make changes. Omen Editor
  Submit to the OMEN Send article or sample of suggested column to Omen Editor. Include photo. Editor will review and determine if appropriate and edit. Deadline is 10th of month. Omen Editor
OFFICERS AND OFFICIAL BUSINESS Attend an ExComm meeting Find out dates and location and get permission. Some sessions are closed if they involve personnel and other confidential matters. Contact LocSec
  Get reimbursed Seek approval before spending the money LocSec will review request
    Send receipts and  explanation Treasurer will write a check
  View minutes from ExComm meetings For past minutes look in past Omen newsletters. Go to Recording Secretary
    For minutes not yet published contact the Recording Secretary. Cannot be provided if not yet approved. Recording Secretary
  Volunteer to help To run for elected office, refer to bylaws on Oregon Mensa website to learn of responsibilities. Notify Election Committee Chair who is appointed in the winter or any elected officer. Candidates are announced on Dec. 1.

Election Committee Chair
    For appointed office, contact any elected officer. LocSec
  Find the Oregon Mensa Code of Conduct? The Code of Conduct can be found on the Oregon Mensa website as well as the Oregon Mensa Facebook page
Membership Secretary
ACTIVITIES Set up an event in general Provide date and details of event to Calendar Editor who will publish in Omen and on E-list for announcements. Calendar Editor
  Set up a Zoom event Contact At Large (elected officer) for citation and password and then Calendar Editor.  
  Read for scholarships In January, make your availability known to the Scholarship Chair. Scholarship Chair runs this program
  Start a local special interest group Contact Membership Secretary or LocSec to discuss. Contact Calendar Editor to publish events. Membership Secretary, LocSec, Calendar editor
  Sign up for Mensa Connect Go to You will be in Mensa Connect for our Region 8. RVC oversees this program
  Participate in Culturequest Ask LocSec for entrance fee and form a team. Registration closes in early April for games in early May. LocSec
  Determine who can participate in Facebook? Members, spouses and invited friends. Lapsed members


MEMBERSHIP Apply for a dues subsidy


See Dues Subsidy Policy on the Oregon Mensa website.

Apply before your membership expires. Note that you

must be an “active” member per the policy. Pays 75%

of dues. If lapsed and not active, may qualify for a year

of Omens.

Dues Subsidy Coordinator
  Get a Mensa email. If you are an officer, contact the LocSec for a Gmail address. If you are a ember, contact the webmaster for a Mensa email address. LocSec or Webmaster
ACCESSING AND MAINTAINING DATA Change the Oregon Mensa Contacts page in OMEN Send new name, changes or deletions to Editor. Elected or appointed officers must appear in ExComm minutes. Omen Editor updates
  Change the Oregon Mensa Contacts page on American Mensa website. Notify LocSec to submit a formal request to change national database of officers. LocSec notifies National of changes
  Subscribe to E-list for announcements

(new members)

Go to The E-list will be updated to match the national database every April. Webmaster
  Review past E-list announcements Go to Webmaster
  Post on the E-list for announcements. Contact the Calendar Editor. Calendar Editor